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Simon 82 Detail
The Simon 82 Detail collection and the Select range is this frame for 2 elements in a precious cold aluminium with detailed chrome socket. The most select range is this one, the one that brings us the best noble materials of the market to give shape to frames with wonderful designs. This is just one more example. One of the most recurrent options for the elegance it brings, as well as for its versatility. This frame is suitable for surface mounting or flush mounting on the wall, being very easy to clean: Just with a soft and dry cloth you can clean it (you should avoid abrasive liquids with chlorine). In this particular design, it is recommended to use the cold aluminium finish for rockers and covers. Looking for another colour or frame? Take a look through our online catalogue and choose yours.
Famille de la plaque
Detail Métal
Mécanimes Simon 82
Il est recommandé d'utiliser la finition aluminium froid pour les touches et enjoliveurs.
Contenu de l’emballage
Cadre de 2 éléments
Marché disponible
Certification CE
Disponible en
1, 2, 3 et 4 éléments
Plage de température de stockage (ºC)
-25 - 50 ºC
2 éléments
Dimensions (mm)
93 x 164
Installation possible dans un boîtier d’encastrement
Sens d’installation
Vertical et horizontal
Type d’installation
Montage encastré et apparent
Nettoyez avec un chiffon doux et sec. N'utilisez pas de chiffons abrasifs et/ou de nettoyants contenant du chlore.
UNE-EN 60669-1:2002 + A1:2003 + A2:2009 + UNE 20315-1-1:2009
Poids net
0.164 KGM
Poids brut
0.164 KGM
Produit EAN
Quantité d’emballage
Hauteur emballage
58 MMT
Largeur emballage
93 MMT
Profondeur emballage
176 MMT
Volume emballage
949344 MMQ
Poids net
0.82 KGM
Poids brut
0.82 KGM
Emballage EAN
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